NGO Global Pay Survey

Our NGO Global Pay Survey is designed for International NGOs and Commercial Development organizations. This survey captures market data for internationally recruited/expatriate employees at headquarters and employees with international conditions of service in the organization’s field locations.

The survey includes market data on compensation (base salary), as well as policy and practice information covering the full range of internationally recruited/expatriate benefits and provisions (e.g. housing, child education, cost-of-living allowances, relocation, etc.). Our survey provides critical market intelligence on internationally recruited/expatriates to ensure the organization’s expatriate compensation and policies are aligned with the best practices in the global market. See NGO Global Pay Sample Survey Report.

Policies and Practices Information for International Staff Management

The policies and practices information is provided both in an online survey output with graphs and in a pdf report which provides an overview of trends and key information.  An example of some of the topical areas includes:

Cost of Living Management

Support for the Education of Dependents

Rest & Recreation – countries where it is typically provided to international staff

Retirement & Long-term Savings Schemes for internationally mobile staff

To learn more about how to register for the survey, click the button below.